2018 – 6th/7th September 2018 – Pendley Manor Hotel

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What the members and guests enjoyed most and/or consider a benefit to attending the meeting…

Understanding wider pensions picture, issues and challenges beyond my immediate world.
Great opportunity to share and learn from experiences from others.
Learning wider topics beyond the day job broadens the understanding of the bigger picture.
Opportunity to chat to other people from the industry and discussing current topics. Also interesting to hear of trends in other countries.
Presentations depth, range of topics and ability to discuss with peers.
Space to think.
In-depth talks.
Very well organised, topical and enjoyable event.
Shared knowledge.
Good talks as usual.
Meeting people and some great presentations.
Presentations excellent as always – really interesting topics.
Networking and a wide subject area covered.
Varied and interesting speakers.
The variety of topics.
Platform sessions on Thursday.
Robin is always Good value. Interesting snippets of information.
Debate between delegates on drawdown.
DB Consolidation, but all talks very high quality.
Chance to catch-up.
Some good insights.
Expansion of knowledge.
Information, content.
Learning from other areas of the industry.


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